Media Literacy Resource Library
Resources and tools from Media Literacy now to help you advocate for media literacy education.

Learn to teach news literacy
Educators learn to teach news literacy with NewsLit’s free, on-demand, and self-paced lessons on quality journalism, the misinformation landscape, and more.

Teen & Young Adult HelpLine Social Media Toolkit
Social media toolkit from NAMI you can use to to share the NAMI Teen & Young Adult HelpLine with friends, family, colleagues, and organizations.

7 Ways To Protect Your Mental Health When You Use Social Media
The Jed Foundation offers seven ways to have a more positive experience using social media.

Physical Activity for Older Adults
Ideas and accessible resources from Department of Health on navigating physical activity for older adults.

Move Your Way
Tools, videos, and fact sheets to help adults make it easier to be more active through different stages of life.

Food Education Roadmap
Learn about how New York City is working to expand food education throughout all NYC public schools.

Tips for Planning Healthy Meals
Growing Up NYC shares tips for planning healthy meals on a budget and information about food programs around the city.

Nutrition Tips, Services, and Education from the Department of Health
Department of Health (DOH) shares: nutrition tips for healthy meals on a budget; nutrition services for access to healthy food; and nutrition education programs and resources. Sign up to receive nutrition updates directly from DOH on the Nutrition Tips tab.

Nutrition Security
Learn about four programs to ensure access to healthy, affordable food for SNAP recipients.

Nutrition Guidelines
Check out nutrition tips and videos compiled by the Department of Health to help make it easier to make healthy food choices and learn cooking techniques.

Guidelines & Recommendations for Physical Activity
A collection of guides on how to increase physical activity. A part of the CDC’s physical activity initiative: Active People, Healthy Nation.

Physical Activity Benefits
Learn the health benefits of physical activity for children, adults, and people 65 and older. A part of the CDC’s physical activity initiative: Active People, Healthy Nation.

Physical Activity Basics
Overview of the benefits of physical activity and various recommended activities for all stages of life and different levels of ability. A part of the CDC’s physical activity initiative: Active People, Healthy Nation.

Meals for Seniors
Learn about the multiple ways the NYC Department for the Aging helps older adults access nutritious food consistently.

Strategies to Increase Physical Activity
A collection of strategies from the CDC on various ways to increase physical activity in a variety of settings, including schools, public parks, community programs, and at home.

Food Help NYC
Use this interactive map to find locations around NYC that offer free food (food pantries and soup kitchens).

Food Pantries and Community Kitchens
An active list of food pantries and community kitchens throughout NYC shared by the City of New York’s Community Food Connection.

GrowNYC Education
Explore GrowNYC’s online nutrition, garden, and sustainability resources for educators, community members, gardeners, and anyone interested in sustainability.

A Parent’s Guide to Media Literacy
A guide for parents to help start media literacy conversations at home created by The National Association for Media Literacy Education and its partner Trend Micro. This guide includes real-life examples of conversations families may have.