Recipes from Wellness in the Schools
A collection of simple recipes from WITS Labs and more challenging recipes from Wellness in the Schools’ Chef Partners.

Recipes & Cooking Tips from City Harvest
A collection of healthy and simple cooking tips and recipes from City Harvest’s Nutrition Education team.

How to Start a GreenThumb Community Garden
Tips from NYC Parks on starting a community garden in your neighborhood.

Resources for Community Gardeners
Resources from NYCParks for everything you need to operate and maintain a successful GreenThumb community garden! Learn how to help your community garden thrive with events, materials, and more.

The Power of Parks to Promote Health: A Special Report
Report from The Trust for Public Land on the value of urban green spaces for positive mental, physical, and environmental outcomes for communities.

Green Infrastructure
Green Infrastructure is a citywide system of engineered landscapes that transform unused impervious areas into vibrant green spaces that provide many social and environmental benefits.

GrowNYC Farmstands
A network of food access retail sites operated by GrowNYC. Through Farmstands, GrowNYC sells fresh, affordable food in underserved and under resourced neighborhoods across NYC. The food sold at Farmstands is grown by farmers in the Northeast and transparently sourced through GrowNYC Wholesale.

Teenagers and Misinformation: Some Starting Points for Teaching Media Literacy
Five ideas to help students understand misinformation, learn basic skills, share their experiences and have a say in how media literacy is taught.

15 Urban Farms and Gardens Bringing Fresh Produce and Food Education to New Yorkers
A list of 15 urban farms and gardens growing fresh food in NYC’s five boroughs.

Shop Healthy NYC!
Learn how Shop Healthy NYC! works to increase access to healthy foods in neighborhoods with high rates of nutrition-related diseases, such as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.

GrowNYC Greenmarkets
Greenmarket promotes regional agriculture by providing regional farmers and fishers with opportunities to sell their fruits, vegetables, and other products at open-air farmers markets throughout New York City.

Active Design from the NYC Dept of Design and Construction
Brief overview of active design along with The NYC Department of Design and Construction’s Active Design Guidelines that provide architects and urban designers a manual of strategies for creating healthier buildings, streets, and urban spaces.

GrowNYC Community Gardens
Interactive map of GrowNYC’s community gardens throughout each of the five boroughs.

Media Literacy Toolkit
From the NYC Department of Education, a collection of resources designed to inspire students to think critically about the complex messages we receive constantly, through various media. Most resources are for middle and high school students.

Free media literacy resources from NewseumED for educators including, activities, lessons, and case studies.

The Trevor Project
National organization providing 24/7/365 crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ teens and young adults. Programs include: direct crisis services, peer support, advocacy, research, and education and public awareness.

What is Mental Health?
Information about mental health including: warning signs, suggested tips, and additional resources. The information is for the general public, health care providers, policymakers, schools and communities. Website is run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and provides info collected from a variety of government sources.

News and Media Literacy Resource Center
Collection of Common Sense’s free news & media literacy lessons, videos, and classroom activities for educators.

What Is Media Literacy and How Can Simple Shifts Center It
Resource from PBS Teachers Lounge on what media literacy is and how small changes can help teachers infuse media literacy learning skills into lesson plans.

Social Media and Youth Mental Health: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory
The Office of the U.S. Surgeon General shares the current evidence on the impacts of social media on the mental health of children and adolescents and outlines immediate steps to take to mitigate the risk of harm.