Together, we can address the health concerns of our local communities.
Let’s work together to keep our communities safe, healthy, connected, and happy.

Featured Resources
NAMI Teen and Young Adult Resource Directory

Is that a fact? News Literacy Project podcast

CDC Featured Mental Health Tools and Resources

COVID Vaccines for Kids 6 Months & Older: FAQs for Families

Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Mini-Grant Awardees!

What is NYCEAL?
NYCEAL provides educational and scientific content about important topics like COVID-19, long COVID, mental well-being, research, and more. We are here to help you build skills to identify misinformation and find trusted resources.

Resource Collections

COVID-19 Resources
From understanding how the vaccine was developed to what the guidelines in NYC are, this collection hosts several resources about COVID-19.

Media Literacy Resources
This page hosts resources to help you identify trusted sources and get reliable health information.

Healthy Eating/Active Living
Resources and information on local community interventions that support healthy eating and active living.

Training Videos
Many of our trainings for navigators or community health workers are recorded and archived here. Feel free to check them out!

Resources and tips to help you have informative and meaningful conversations in your community.

Clinical Trials
As we identify information on clinical research opportunities, we will share them here.

Social Media Tools
Here, you’ll find content and messaging you can use on your own social media channels!

How to get a COVID-19 vaccine
Everyone age 6 months and older is eligible to get COVID-19 vaccines. Click below to find vaccination providers near you, or sign up for a vaccine at home! Vaccines are available at no cost to you and regardless of immigration status.