COVID-19 Resources
NYCEAL COVID Vaccine Infographic

NYCEAL Long COVID Infographic

NYCEAL Pediatric Vaccine Infographic

COVID-19 Treatments: Everything You Need to Know About Lifesaving Antivirals
During this interactive webinar, community-based organizations, workforces, and federally qualified health centers (FQHCs):

Free at-home Covid tests for pickup
You can pick up free at-home rapid antigen tests at NYC museums, zoos, libraries and other locations throughout the city. Many of these sites also offer free masks.

COVID-19 Vaccines and Children: Stanford University Pediatrician Answers Questions
COVID Vaccines for Kids 6 Months & Older: FAQs for Families
Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the vaccine for young children 6 months and older.

What should parents know about the COVID vaccine for kids under 5?
Question & Answer with Dr. Devika Bhushan, MD, FAAP

Preparing Your Child to Get Vaccinated
Infographic for parents and caregivers with tips on comforting their child before, during, and after their vaccine shot.

COVID-19 Treatments and Medications
Mothers x Mothers Meetup Toolkit
Includes planning and facilitation guides, promotional materials, Google Slides, Concern Cards, and WhatsApp scripts, to host your own Mothers x Mothers meetups round the COVID-19 vaccine. Now available in 16 languages: Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, Dari, French, Karen, Kinyarwanda, Lingala, Nepali, Pashto, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili (Congolese), Tigrinya, and Ukrainian.

Get the Facts Campaign’s Fact Sheets (print and digital)
Fact sheets focused on Testing, Masking, Breakthrough Infections, Boosters and more. Available in Amharic | Arabic | Burmese | Dari | Dinka | English | Farsi | French | Haitian Creole | Chin Hakha | Hmong | (Sgaw) Karen | Karenni | Kinyarwanda | Korean | Lao | Lingala | Marshallese | Nepali | Oromo […]

Conversation Guide: Boosters and Third Doses
NYC Health Communications Initiative: Resources, Social Media Tools, Videos and More
The NYC Health Communications Initiative, managed by the Public Good Projects, houses resources such as social media graphics, talking points, and toolkits on COVID-19 and vaccinations in French, Spanish, and English. Filter by language, asset type, and topic.
Conversation Guide and FAQ: Pediatric Vaccinations
Children Are Our Community’s Future
In this video, Children Keep Our Community Strong, an immigrant father explains why he chose to vaccinate his two children against COVID-19. Themes include providing for one’s family, protecting future generations, and keeping up with work and school. Available in Arabic, Burmese, Dari, English, French, Karen, Kinyarwanda, Lingala, Nepali, Pashto, Russian, Spanish, Swahili (Congolese), Tigrinya and […]

A Community Toolkit for Addressing Health Misinformation
A slideshow of the Community Toolkit for educators and other community leaders.

Talk to your community about health misinformation
An infographic with tips on how to talk to your community about health misinformation.

Health Misinformation Checklist
Use this checklist every time you come across health-related content you are not sure about.

Traveling Safely as COVID-19 Rules Change